Alfa Tech Consulting Engineers
RAG-Stiftung Acquires Alfa Tech Consulting Engineers, Inc.
Investment Bank’s Role: Sell-Side Advisor; Sale by Shareholders
Industry Focus: Engineering
Marketing Process: Targeted Process (approximately 20 Buyers)
Result: RAG-Stiftung Acquires Alfa Tech
Synopsis: In September 2018, RAG-Stiftung (“RAG”) Acquired Alfa Tech Consulting Engineers, Inc (“Alfa Tech”). Alfa Tech is one of the 50 largest MEP Engineering Firms in the United States. Alfa Tech specializes in providing Mission Critical/Data Center Engineering services to large Technology Companies in Silicon Valley. The Company is based in San Jose, California with Offices in Los Angeles, San Francisco and additional Locations throughout the United States and Internationally. RAG-Stiftung is a Foundation founded under the RAG Corporation, Germany’s largest Coal Mining Corporation. RAG-Stiftung is the Majority Owner of the $15 Billion Specialty Chemical Conglomerate Evonik Industries AG. Under the Foundation’s Mandate, RAG-Stiftung has sought to diversify the RAG Corporation’s Holdings through Investment to ensure the Integrity of the German Coal Industry and the continued development of Evonik Industries.